Burnout Prevention

Burnout and compassion fatigue are conditions that are prone to working professionals. It is easy to get lost and consumed by the demands of work that gradually over time one may find themselves feeling physically, emotionally, and mentally exhausted. Burnout is defined by feeling depleted or exhausted from one’s work and is characterized by feeling a dissatisfaction with work, cynicism regarding work, lack of passion for it, and mentally distant from the associated tasks. Compassion fatigue is the same as burnout but is associated with the helping professional who experiences PTSD symptoms due to working closely with those in crisis. 

It is so imperative that now more than ever professionals take the time to prioritize their self-care to create a work-life harmony. It is easy to push off going to the gym to get more time at work, to push off hanging out with our loved ones to pursue ambitious goals, or indulging in the convenience of fast food but all of those things come at a cost to our true values. Most of us desire safety, love, health, and to feel fulfilled but often we forget that life is all about balance. Professionals and ambitious entrepreneurs should remember to refill their cup; to prioritize daily the values that they feel truly bring their life meaning. It will be difficult some days and yes, you’ll need to be flexible but long term you’ll be happy that you made a habit of prioritizing the people and things you care about.

I love what Harold Kushner stated, “No one ever said on their deathbed ‘I wish I’d spent more time at the office”. Take care of business, meet your work requirements but also remember to take care of yourself. In order to pour from a full glass or I like to say “overflowing glass”, you have to have a great input. Energizing and revitalizing self-care means that fill you physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and relationally. Your career needs you, make a commitment to take care of yourself. Self-care is a form of self-respect.


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