How to Create A New Habit

1.) Define Your Why

Decide why creating your new habit is important. Is this new habit working out? If so, why do you want to start this habit? Is it to fit into that little black sexy dress, is it to feel more confident, is it to be healthier? Take some time to ponder why you want to start this new habit.

2.) Create a Plan for Success

You have to have a plan for success. I have learned over the years the importance of having a plan. It aids in laying the foundation for your new habit. It helps prepare for set-backs, barriers, and fosters success. Plan out how you are going to implement that new habit. If it’s waking up early maybe it’s getting an alarm clock away from your bed so you’re forced to get out of bed in the morning. If it’s working out, maybe you need to plan to have your workout clothes and shoes right beside your bed in the morning.

3.)  Find Someone to Hold You Accountable

Whether that someone is a coach, friend, or significant other-get someone who can hold you accountable to your new habit. It is easy to slack off when we are embarking upon a new habit alone but when we have an accountability partner laziness and excuses can become a thing of the past when we have that extra level of support.

4.) Be Consistent

New studies show that it actually takes about 66 days of consistency to create new neuropathways in your brain that attributes to habit formation, so be consistent! Remember to show up anyway, follow through, and stick to your plan. The new habit is created as a direct result of your consistency.

5.) Win

When you do all of these things including your consistency, you win! Who doesn’t love to win? I know I sure do. We win when we don’t slack off, give up, give in, and make excuses. Even if you fall off, keep going because you will win. Once you win, celebrate, then repeat. Move on to the next habit and embrace your new found self-discipline.


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